- Cooking

Storecupboard Essentials Made Better


BBQ Chicken & Bean Pasta Bake

A real tasty dish using some larder cupboard ingredients. This recipe serves 4-6 but any leftovers or if it’s just the 2 of you, this can be portioned and frozen.


  • 4 handfuls dried pasta
  • 200g cooked chicken
  • 1 red pepper
  • 1 X 400g tin chopped tomatoes
  • 1 X 200g tin baked beans
  • Sweet & Sticky BBQ Sauce
  • Grated cheese

Cook the pasta in boiling water following packet instructions. Once cooked, cool under running cold water and drain.  Chop the pepper, removing the seeds and then chop the cooked chicken.

Add the cooked pasta, chopped red pepper and cooked chicken into a baking dish. Mix together the chopped tomatoes with the baked beans, a handful of grated cheese and a few generous tablespoons of sticky BBQ sauce. Pour over and mix into the pasta. Sprinkle over a couple of handfuls of grated cheese.

Bake at 180 deg c for 25-30 minutes until golden.

Bubble & Squeak cakes

A real comfort food perked up with a dollop of Horseradish sauce or Red Onion Marmalade.

This can be made with fresh mash potato or there are some good frozen or chilled mash potato products available.

For 2-3 people you will need about 300g of mash. The beauty of this recipe is that it uses any leftover cooked vegetables you may have in the fridge or you can use frozen vegetables. If you are using frozen vegetables, choose the vegetables you need and these can be cooked together in boiling water for a few minutes. Drain and cool.

Take a frying pan and add a knob of butter.  Mix the mash potato with some chopped cooked vegetables. You can add cabbage or peas, carrots, cauliflower or broccoli. Up to you really. Add the same amount of vegetables as mash potato you have.

Season with salt & pepper and give it all a good mix. At this stage a generous spoonful of Horseradish sauce or Red Onion Marmalade. Divide the mix into round flat potato cakes.

Fry the bubble & squeak cakes on both sides for a few minutes each side until golden.

Best served with a fried or poached egg on top and a squeeze of Tomato ketchup.

Breads & Toast

Brown Sauce Cheesy Rarebit

Hot bubbling cheese with the tang of Brown sauce.

Mix together grated cheese with a dollop of Real Mayonnaise. Toast a thick slice of bread both sides and spread with Brown Sauce. Spread over the Cheese mix to the edges and grill until melted and golden.

For something a little more traditional replace the Brown Sauce with Dijon Mustard.

Quick & easy Croque Sandwich

Spread a couple of slices of thick white bread with Real Mayonnaise and Dijon Mustard.

Add some sliced ham. Heat a frying pan with a knob of butter. Fry both sides until golden.

For a real treat top with a fried egg.

Ultimate Sausage Sandwich

To pep up any Sausage Sandwich , whether you are a breakfast sausage, spicy Cumberland or Butchers choice,  add a dollop of Red Onion Marmalade and a spread of creamy Dijon mustard to your sandwich.