The English word picnic ultimately comes from the French pique-nique. Although, we Brits really take it seriously, from a coffee and sandwich at the side of the road, to the full tartan rugs, wicker baskets, champagne, fine food and great friends.
Your Picnic Treat of the Week
Rainbow Salads
Re-cycle the tasty way, with Chef’s fun favourites for picnic feasting – see the recipe HERE.
The Picnic Sandwich
With a little clever thinking, you can create a salad in a roll. Turn a ham salad into a masterpiece with Caper Mayonnaise, simply chopping capers and mixing them with our Real Mayonnaise to taste.
Packed, wrapped and ready to go.
Freshly Squeezed
To ensure you have the right condiments, sauces and chutney’s with you, either decant what you need into smaller jars, or try our popular ‘ready to go’ Sachet Selection.
Keep it Fresh
With a rainbow salad, picnic sandwich, sachets, fresh nibbles and pickles to go, your picnics will be better than ever. Our Picalilli and other stunning relishes and chutneys can be found HERE.
And wash it all down with:
Pomegranate Pimm’s
To make half a litre: 300ml Lemonade, 100ml Pimm’s, 100ml Pomegranate juice, pomegranate seeds and chopped cucumber. Chill, garnish, serve ‘wow‘.