Coronation Quiche
A Stokes recipe by our Resident Chef
- Serves 6
- 70 mins

What you'll need
- 1 x 320g block short crust pastry
- 400g Skinless and boneless Chicken thighs
- 1 small bunch local Asparagus spears (Cooked)
- 2 handfuls Baby Spinach
- 1 small white Onion- peeled & diced.
- 4 Free Range Eggs
- 100ml Double Cream
- 100g grated Cheddar Cheese
- 1 pint Milk
- 3 Tablespoons Stokes Coronation Sauce.
- 1 Tablespoon fresh chopped Parsley.

Enjoy the video below. And learn more about our Royal Celebration HERE.
- Roll out the pastry to about 1/2 cm thick and line a greased flan dish (About 10 inches in diameter). Trim off any excess pastry (the trimmings can be re rolled and used in things like Sausage Rolls. Try mixing in a little Stokes Chilli Jam in the filling!)
- Allow to rest in the fridge for at least 10 minutes.
- Cover the pastry with greaseproof and fill with ceramic baking beans. Bake Blind for 15 mins on a medium oven (160 C) until the pastry starts to crisp slightly. Remove from the oven and allow to cool.
- Oil & season the Chicken thighs and roast in a hot oven (180 C) until cooked through and allow to cool.
- Add a dash of oil to a frying pan and cook the onion until soft, add the spinach and the chopped asparagus spears. Cook for 2-3 minutes and set aside.
- Crack the eggs and mix with the milk, cream, Salt & Pepper and the Coronation Sauce.
- Chop the Chicken and then add to the quiche base followed by the cooked onion, asparagus and spinach and then add the cheese.
- Pour over the Quiche mix and fill level. Bake in a medium oven (160 c) for 15-20 minutes until the quiche has set. Remove from the oven and allow to cool.